Because I am attempting to just catch my blog up and keep track of all of the pictures and memories, these next several flashback posts are more or less going to be photo dumps. Maybe a caption here or there to help keep track of these memories...whether we'd like to forget them or not. ;-)
May was baby month for the Steege family and also month three of lockdown. Up until this point, we hadn't really let our kids see anyone because my biggest fear was going into labor and one of us having Covid and Gavin not being able to be in the delivery room.
We spent LOTS and LOTS of time in our driveway: playing with chalk, completing school activities, and driving gators. I had never been more thankful in my life to have so much space. Other than seeing no one or going nowhere, we lived a fairly normal life because this was our "norm".
While no part of preschool was normal, Treyton continued to thrive and learn each day.
We planted hundreds of trees around our property and we loved watching the guys work each day.
I had to laugh as I was going through these pictures because they drove our gators around so much, and I was so pregnant that I ended up ordering two more batteries. I was positive that pushing these back to the garage when they died was going to put me into labor.
I don't feel like pictures ever really do justice for how big Max is. We spend most of our summer watering our new trees.
More school activities. Learning to write numbers. Shocked that he was able to find 4 skidloaders. ;-)
And then Steege #4 made HIS way into the world on May 22! More details in another post!
Meet Trigg Bradley!
He fit into our family perfectly from day 1!
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