March--the month in Iowa in which we can be outside in shorts and a t-shirt one day and snowmobiling the next. This month brought a lot of hope in the pandemic as we felt some of the restrictions begin to lift. They weren't always popular across the country but in our small town world, it seemed very appropriate. We got to see my grandma for the first time in a year without a window in between us and my other set of grandparents were able to come visit.
Simple sunshine was good for the soul! I'm not sure Trigg's smile was happiness or scared for his life but he sure did spend some time in that pink car.
Exhibit A of Iowa weather! Snow pants and winter coats one day and t-shirts the next. These gators may be the best gift our kids have ever received. We have officially replaced all 8 wheels they have been driven so much.
These little things were hard to find and I happened to run across them on Facebook Marketplace and made a call immediately. When we went and picked them up, our kids wore short sleeves. A week later, we got 4 inches of snow and they got to ride them for the first time.
My sweet grandparents stopped over with the nice weather and got to play with the kids for a while.
A quick game of basketball with my 80 year old grandpa!
Our 65 and 115lb lap dogs.
Such a weird time we were living in. Trigg was born in the first couple of months of the pandemic when nursing homes locked their doors. My grandma Rottink, who had lived in the nursing home for 25+ years, wasn't able to actually need Trigg for quite awhile. I was able to go in a see her after year but kids still weren't allowed. This is how we made due.
Sweet treats for St. Patrick's Day!
I mean, thankfully she had her helmet on?! I can't be upset that they were problem solving and trying to get something for themselves...
Happy 10 months, Little Man!
Got lots going on in this picture!
Legos (of all sizes), magnatiles, or anything building related was such a hit!
If you have followed along for any sort of time, the girls' beds have moved around their room quite a bit. They are officially back a part. Any bets on how long this lasts?
GAHHHH!!! We tried on his wedding outfit for Kolton and Emmy's wedding and I just can't handle it.
And then these beauties got to try on their flower girl dresses!
Easter rolled around and Triggy wore the same shirt Treyton wore once upon a time and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do a side by side. They look so much a like and yet so different. Does anyone remember Treyton's hair?! It stuck straight up ALL of the time.
Trigg's first Easter egg hunt!
All of our big kids scored big time and Trynlee even found the Golden Egg!
Can you tell it was a bit chilly?
This was as good at it got for a cousin's picture. I think we were even missing Ely.
Also the best picture we got of our four.
Someone loveesssss his Mama!
All four of our kids have LOVED to swing and Trigg is no exception.
Why wouldn't you bring a large stick into the house?! Seems very logical!
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