by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 3:30 AM

Growing up, I remember people saying that the years would fly by, and I feel like I am currently wondering where the last 7 months have gone.  The last month of my pregnancy was LONNGGGGG, and I for sure thought I was going to have Trigg early and in fact, did not! But he is seven months old now and I don't know where the time went.  While the first couple months of him joining our family seemed really hectic, and somedays still do, he has seriously been the BEST baby.   Most of our family members haven't heard him cry, if they've had the chance to meet him due to Covid, and really, we haven't heard a ton of it either.

Trigg Bradley!  Happy 7 months!  We are so thankful for you everyday!


  • ME :-) Thanks to Covid and being with him every minute or every day!
  • Baths and showers
  • His blankey, specifically up close to his face
  • Watching his siblings
  • Sleeping through the night
  • When I walk out of a room
  • Being left alone
  • His siblings IN his face (when do they grow out of the need to be 2 inches from his face? Ha!)
  • Sitting still
New things:
  • 2 teeth (as of yesterday)
  • Rolling, turning, scooting to get wherever he wants to go
  • Planking
  • Kinda-sorta-not very well sitting
  • Eating baby food and puffs
  • Shrieking and giggling

And a walk down memory lane for fun!
6 months (November 22)

5 months (October 22)

4 months (September 22)

3 months (August 22)

2 months (July 22)

1 month (June 22)

Brand new ;-) (May 22)

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