Meet Trynlee!

in , by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 5:00 AM
Miss Tryn, Baby B, is the baby of our family and has given us a bit of a run for our money!

Treyton came to the hospital the day they were born calling her Trynee (without the L), and I think we all call her that.

She had a bit of a rougher entry into the world as she was transverse and up under my ribs after Tay was delivered.  Unlike her sister who cried right away, Trynlee didn't breath right away on her own and I didn't get to see her for several hours after she was born.  She was actually in the room next to Taylor and me, which was terrible!

Tryn developed her sucking reflex really early and ate like a champ before she really should have.  Most people don't know this but she was actually discharged from the hospital two days before Taylor at 35 weeks gestation. 
After 32 days in the NICU, we were all home under the same roof. #GodisGood

She failed her carseat test and rode around in a car bed for several months.  That dang thing didn't come out of my car so I had to carry her 4lb self around under a blanket in the middle of December.

Several days after being born, two hemangiomas (strawberry birthmarks) showed up--one on her hand and one on her shoulder.  The one on her hand covered most of her right hand, looked like blisters, and started hindering her ability to bend her fingers.  The one on her shoulder grew so quickly, it ulcerated (the skin broke open) and she was left with an open wound for two months.  It was the size of a clementine under her skin at its largest.  After consulting with a dermatologist, she took medicine to help shrink it for a year.  You can no longer see the one on her hand and the one on her should is supposed to disappear completely by the time she goes to kindergarten.

Because her hemangioma was so large and painful for her, she would not turn her head.  This resulted in a flat spot so she rocked a cranial band for 3 months to help round out her little melon--for an entire scorching hot summer!
Miss Trynlee has always been our more laid back kiddo.  We have often joked that God knew we needed one calm child in our life.  
Her and Treyton look more like twins than her and Taylor.  A helpful hint to remember who is who is that our "Tr's" (Treyton and Trynlee) look alike.

Just like Treyton, she has bright blue eyes and blonde hair.
While Trynlee left the NICU eating like a champ, after a couple of months, she decided she didn't like her bottle and we had to switch to another one.  She still doesn't drink a ton of milk and is really picky about its temperature and what sippy cup it is in.
She is our shyest child by far.  She will do about anything she can not to look at or be by people she doesn't know.  She has even been known to cry and shy away from her relatives.  {cough--Payton :-)}
However, in the last couple of months, she has really started to come out of her shell and is rather funny.  And her laugh--it is simply the best.  It is deep and growly and will make an entire room laugh right along with her.
Tryn has taken her time on just about everything and we haven't rushed her.  She has always done things a couple of weeks behind Taylor, but once she figures it out, she seems to master it quickly.
The daycare and winter germs have done a number on her.  She has had pneumonia twice this winter and earned herself a ride in the ambulance along with a short hospital stay.  I think it's safe to say I'd be 100% okay with never having to call 911 again.
She is currently walking, starting to crawl on things, likes to shove food in her mouth really quickly, and yells when she wants something.  Her favorite thing to carry around is a....sock!  #can'tmakethisstuffup

Miss Tryn is also fairly dramatic and gets frustrated with things quickly, such as her sister and brother taking things from her.

Her hair has really started to grow and she currently is rocking one gnarly mullet.  Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.

We love you baby girl and can't wait to see what your future holds!

If you have any questions about cranial bands, flat spots, or hemangiomas please reach out to me!  I would love to chat!

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