Happy Friday!
We have had about a month solid of bad weather that has really thrown off every ounce of routine at school which in return has thrown off things at home. I thrive on routine, and I know kids do as well. I feel like we are all just a little off and it leaves me feeling extra tired by the end of the week. Is it spring yet?!
Apparently someone from Iowa made Mother Nature really angry because she is sending us rain, freezing rain, and I've seen 4-9 more inches of snow! Whoever you were...apologize already!
Today I have a really random list of some of my FAVORITE things that I have listed by category. Take a look and let me know if you'd like any different links.
Health & Fitness
Anyone else?!? I would love to be a coffee lover but I just can't do it. When I do drink coffee it is more on the side of cream and sugar with a dash of coffee, and I feel like that kind of defeats the purpose. Instead I drink my fair share of....
If you'd like to try some or have questions, let me know! I truly don't function very well without a little of this in my life every day!
I also really like these shakes. The chocolate peanut butter flavor is my favorite. My favorite part is that I can quick make one with 1/2 a banana in our blender every morning on our way out the door or I probably wouldn't get much else.
If there was one thing that I couldn't live without in this phase of my life, next to Spark, it would probably be dry shampoo. I'm not entirely sure what it actually is, I just know that I can use it for several days in a row and it makes my hair look freshly washed. #hallelujah My hair is super dry and brittle so the less that I have to dry and straighten it, the better.
I have tried several different brands but this Living Proof one is by far my favorite! It does the job well but doesn't leave my hair snarly.
My hair is also thin and lacks any volume so this comb is my life saver!
Kids Items
I have a really random list of things that I have found essential this past month as we have spent lots of time in our house with all of the snow.
All three of our kids started out in Halo Swaddles and then made their way into Halo Sleepsacks. Our girls sleep in them for every nap and every night. They are safe and they keep them warm when they aren't supposed to have blankets. Taylor actually grabs hers and walks to their room when she is ready for bed. I pray she is always this easy to get to bed because her brother is giving us a run for our money lately.
The most played with toy in our house for over a year has been Magnatiles. We now have several different sets and I'm not sure I can tell a huge difference between them. We have the name brand ones and this Cossy set.
Treyton and the girls really love playing with these. Well, Trynlee likes knocking down anything that you try to build but Taylor loves to stack them and unstack them. Treyton is getting really good at building machine sheds and garages for his diggers. The most detailed magnet builder, though, is my mom! :-) She may even have a set for the kids to play with at her house now. I highly recommend these for birthday presents.
Treyton has been on a HUGE board game kick which my nerdy self loves! While we have been cycling through lots of different ones, Candy Land is probably his favorite so far. This would also be a great birthday idea for 3-4 year olds!
That's all I have today! I have some fun posts planned for next week so make sure you check back. Have a great weekend!
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