Snow Day #3--Treyton's Lunch Pick

by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 5:05 PM
Today marks our 6th snow day of the year....6 days in the last two weeks to be exact.  When my alarm went off this morning, the my watch said -25 and the real feel was -56.!

This is at 2:30pm and I'm fairly certain we are only getting colder from here on out for the day.

Needless to say, we haven't left the house.  Our dog, who loves the snow, has peed six inches from the door all day, and we are going stir crazy!  #gross

I asked Treyton what he wanted for lunch around 11am.  My kids had already had breakfast and two snacks and were already showing signs they were getting hangry.  He immediately responded with pizza and pears! Now isn't that quite the combination!

Flatbread Pizza
All three of our kiddos love pizza and feel like I am able to keep it relatively healthy.  I should also mention that they all also LOVE meat.   You can do lots of different combinations with this but this is what I had on hand today.

--Flatbreads (We also use tortillas!)
--Pizza or any red sauce
--Mozzarella Cheese

Step 1
Preheat your over to 375 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.  Brown your hamburger.

Step 2
Place flatbreads on cookie sheet and cover in pizza sauce.  Add your toppings.  We added hamburger and cheese.  When Gavin is home, we add onions, peppers, mushrooms, and pepperoni.

He loves to add and eat the cheese!

Step 3
Pop in the oven until the cheese is lightly browned!

So easy!  So quick!

Not terribly unhealthy!

Taylor approved!

And Trnylee approved!  (Any time I tell her to smile, she plays peek-a-boo!)

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