Well hello there!
My name is Kylie! I have held this space of the internet world for about 7 years but my posting has been very sporadic and I haven't always had it set as public. My goal is to really get back into it and share about my daily life, a little look into our world, and to be real honest, be better at documenting my kiddos' lives. (Read as: They don't currently have baby books but rather a trail of iPhone photos.)
Lover of Jesus.
Wife to Gavin.
Momma to 3. {Treyton, Taylor, & Trynlee}
Puppy Momma to 1 {Mya}
3rd Grade Teacher
Operations Manager of the Steege Household
My world revolves around my family! My husband, Gavin, runs Steege Construction and a host of other gigs that keep him constantly on his phone, in his truck or office, and if any of you know him, probably sleeping while standing. Our kiddos are 3, 1, and 1 which gears a lot of my time towards laundry, wiping faces, floors, and fingerprints, and changing diapers.
I spend the months of August-May in the classroom as a 3rd grade teacher and truly feel that this is what God has called me to do. While I struggle daily with not being home with my own kids, I love the challenges and rewards of spending my days with 8 and 9 year olds.
I have a creative side that I would love to get to share with all of you. Most of my work currently gets done during naps and on the limited nights that I stay up any later than my three year old.
Outside of my mom duties, I have a passion for health and fitness, and you can generally find me working out early in the mornings, pushing my kids around town in a stroller, or attempting to make healthy meals and snacks in the kitchen. During the summer, I play in a Monday night golf league where my socializing game is much stronger than my actual golf game most of the time.
If I'm not at school, you will likely find me in workout clothes, my hair pulled back, with the Hallmark Channel on, attempting to decorate my house, and picking up after the little people that live in my house.
Come back the rest of the week to get an introduction to the rest of my family!
I have a creative side that I would love to get to share with all of you. Most of my work currently gets done during naps and on the limited nights that I stay up any later than my three year old.
Outside of my mom duties, I have a passion for health and fitness, and you can generally find me working out early in the mornings, pushing my kids around town in a stroller, or attempting to make healthy meals and snacks in the kitchen. During the summer, I play in a Monday night golf league where my socializing game is much stronger than my actual golf game most of the time.
Come back the rest of the week to get an introduction to the rest of my family!
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