The Call!

by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 8:58 AM

The dreaded ten day wait!  We had to wait ten days, hope like heck that the embryo had embedded itself in my uterus, and then get blood work done at Covenant that they would send to Iowa City to review.

In a nut shell, when you go through this process, you know way more than if you are just doing it on your own.  You know more numbers, processes, and how things work than you ever really care to know.

 The morning of December 22nd was the long wait of my life!  I went to Covenant around 7am to get my blood work done.  Iowa City had requested it be done right way in the morning so that they would have the chance to review it that morning before the clinic had opened.  In my mind, this meant that I would get called fairly early.  Wrong!  The clock ticked by and I looked at my phone hundreds of times sure that it was about to ring.

Shortly after noon, in which I was about to call them myself and ask, my phone rang and on the other end was a nurse from IC.  It went a little something like this...

N--Hi! Is this Kylie?
N--We have received your blood work and you're pregnant!
N--You're 4 weeks along as off today and your due date is August 29th.
M--Ya!  I'm here!  Just a little emotional!  You're sure everything looked good?!
N--Very good.  Your estrogen and progesterone levels are actually high enough that you can take off your estrogen patch and stop your progesterone shots.
M--You're kidding!?

Too say the least, I couldn't have asked for a better phone call.  My heart was overflowing and I couldn't believe that we were going to be parents.  It all had happened so fast, yet seemed like I had been giving myself shots forever.

The next step was to get my blood taken in two days to ensure the pregnancy was viable.  Kink number one--the IVF clinic wasn't open on the 24th so I could get my blood work done on the 26th when they opened.  Kink number two--Gavin and I were leaving on our honeymoon on the 25th to Antigua.  I ended up getting blood work done on the 24th before we left and then they called me on the 29th with the results.

My numbers had doubled like they were supposed to and we were officially pregnant.  We scheduled an ultrasound for 7.5 weeks to get to see our little peanuts heart beat.

At our ultrasound appointment, I don't know if my heart has ever been beating so fast!  She told us she needed to do a couple of measurements first and then she would find the heart beat.  There it was--a flicker on the screen!  I couldn't have been more in love with something that was the size of a raspberry seed before in my life!
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