New Year's Resolution: Word of the Month

in , by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 4:30 AM
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Anyone else?! I haven't really been someone to make New Year's Resolutions in the past or at least not ones that I am serious enough about to actually make some changes.

This year, instead of making ONE resolution to stick with all year, I decided to have a "Word of the Month."  My hope is that I am able to really select something that is pertinent for that time of the year and directed towards something that really needs worked on that month.

January was "Junk Free January."
I have to say that I did a pretty good job at sticking with it.  My goal was to clean out and organize all of our junk drawers and to eat less junk.  Since moving into our house, there were a couple like 6 or 7 drawers, throughout out house, that have held random things.  I'll admit, the thing that I would shove in the most random drawers, was money.  Like one dollar bills, fives, tens, and some days you'd even get lucky and find a twenty that I "stored" there instead of leaving it on the counter.  It drove Gavin nutty.  I'm happy to report that all of the drawers are organized and the money has been collected.

We have done a really good job in the eating department as well and with the help of some cookbooks, we're having healthy suppers and leftovers most days.  I'll share more on those cookbooks and recipes in a few days.

I didn't have a ton of pictures of my "junk free" eating.  We have a "healthy snack" drawer in our fridge that has fruit, veggies, yogurt, and cheese for the kids, and they each get to pick one before bed.  It didn't take them long to figure out how to get that drawer open.

My goal for this coming month is "Finance February."
While Gavin and I have figured out our budget, it isn't overly detailed or specific.  We simply spend less than we are bringing in.  We pay our bills, set aside some into our savings, and then, well, the rest is just kind of there.  My goal is to really limit my online shopping, meal plan for groceries and what I call "Walmart Items", and I'm going to force myself to actually track what I spend where.  I know it will be eye opening.  I promise to report back at the end of February when I share out my March goal.

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Did you make a New Year's Resolution?  I'd love to hear what it was and if you're still at it!  Leave me a comment!
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